Fergus Roberts steps up to IRONMAN 70.3 Pro racing
Great Britain’s Fergus Roberts has been a regular in recent years in most of the big domestic events and racing in several ETU European Cup and ITU World Cup races. Born in Yorkshire, made in Scotland, much of his triathlon education has been through his years at the Stirling High Performance Triathlon Centre.
Having now completed his University studies, Fergus is taking a new direction with his triathlon racing and in 10 days time will line up at his first Pro IRONMAN 70.3 start at IRONMAN 70.3 Les Sables d’Olonne In France. His travel there will be very simple, as Fergus has spent the last few months training and working at Les Stables Training Camps, France (www.les-stables.com), having seen this article earlier in the year on TRI247.com.
I was recently on holiday myself at Les Stables (for a third time!), and spent some time chatting with Fergus about his triathlon career to date, working at Les Stables and his decision to move from the draft-legal format of racing to Pro Middle Distance events. It will be a busy few weeks for Fergus, as after Les Sables d’Olonne he’ll also be racing in Elsinore (Denmark) and Lahti (Finland) on consecutive weekends.
Check out out what he had to say: