OSB Events is delighted to announce that Zone3 will be the Official Title Partner of the 2020 Midlands Sprint Series.
OSB Events and Zone3 have successfully worked together on the Outlaw Triathlon Series, with Zone3 being the swim partner for the award-winning middle and long distance events. The new partnership extends Zone3’s reach to novice and sprint triathletes to offer participants highly rated swimwear, stylish apparel, race accessories and award-winning wetsuits that are available via a dedicated Triathlon Hub.
Iain Hamilton, Director and Founder of OSB Events said: “We’re delighted to extend our partnership to cover the Zone3 Midland Sprint Series. Our aim has always been to put on events that we would like to take part in ourselves and to work with partners who make products we choose to train and compete in.”
He added: “Without supportive race partners and volunteers we would not able to deliver the quality events we pride ourselves on.”
The Midland Sprint Series was launched more than ten years ago and is made up of three pool sprint triathlons. The Series appeals to triathletes of all abilities from complete novices to seasoned athletes, including the occasional international athlete looking for a high-quality sprint event.
This year’s Zone3 Midland Sprint Series starts with the Lincoln Triathlon (19 April 2020) and includes Southwell Triathlon (3 May 2020) and the hugely popular Woodhall Spa Triathlon to finish (6 September 2020). Entries are now open for anyone to enter. Find out more via https://www.osbevents.com/events/triathlon/zone3-midlands-sprint-series-2020/
For more information and to purchase Zone3 products, see Zone3.com.