Always Aim High Events are excited to reveal an all new partnership with UK based online retailer SportPursuit – the kit supplier inspiring sports enthusiasts.
SportPursuit have signed a partnership with North Wales event organisers Always Aim High Events to be their official and exclusive retail partner for 2019. SportPursuit will also be the headline partner for the brand new Conwy Marathon and the iconic Slateman Triathlon in 2019.
As part of the agreement, Anglesey based Always Aim High store will become SportPursuit’s first offline retail store, stocking a range of SportPursuit affiliated brands as well as all other AAHE partner brand products.
Adam Pikett, CEO and founder at SportPursuit said “Always Aim High share our passion for the outdoors, providing events that inspire individuals of all abilities to challenge themselves, whether that be in triathlon, cycling, running or swimming. Their events, such as the iconic Slateman Triathlon, are now a key part of the outdoor and sporting calendar and we are therefore excited to be their exclusive and official retail partner, bringing to their community access to the best technical kit available, at why not pricing.”
Tim Lloyd, Director at Always Aim High Events said: ”We are very pleased to be working with SportPursuit in 2019. SportPursuit are undoubtedly an amazing brand and a perfect fit for us at Always Aim High Events. Their high standards and ambition reflect that of our own and we look forward to bringing the SportPursuit experience to many more UK sports enthusiasts. Having a respected and successful retail partner is key to our delivery model as it provides the perfect opportunity for us to support all our partner deals with the added opportunity to engage direct to our customers with some amazing event loyalty deals.”
The full Always Aim High Events 2019 programme is now available to view and enter online.
You’ll find out more information about the SportPursuit offering at and Always Aim High Events on