To celebrate the end of 2020, a year most of the endurance sports community are happy to have seen ‘jog on in the distance’ and to welcome 2021, a year full of hope and optimism for the season ahead, the team at endurance sports TV are giving away 2021 free subscriptions on a first come first serve basis.
endurance sports TV is where athletes and fans of endurance sports can come to watch and follow their passions. From documentaries, race coverage, training and unique programmes, new content is added all the time.
Recently, the team at endurance sports TV have launched a new training section on the channel with a focus on strength and conditioning, mobility and fitness development for endurance athletes, partnering with two of the world’s leading coaches providing structured workouts from:
- Erin Carson, strength and conditioning coach, technical sessions ideally suited to endurance sports training.
- Lesley Paterson, Core & fitness coach, a fast-moving set of 6-minute workouts to provide a daily fix of high intensity fitness training.
The new content supports all endurance athletes with high intensity fitness activities and an in-depth strength and mobility program, giving subscribers an opportunity to train like world champions at the top of their sport.
To claim your free subscription, and access to over 350 hours of training programmes, racing, documentaries, and interviews visit https://estv.club/Free2021
Subscribers will need to complete the full sign up process, including providing payment information but no charges will be applied until January 2022 with the ability to cancel your subscriptions prior.
Once these 2021 free subscriptions are gone, you can still get a fantastic special price on endurance sports TV, with their limited time New Year price promotion for a one-off flat fee of £29.99 ($39.99) available at www.endurancesports.tv