Challenge Roth sits firmly atop many triathlete’s bucket lists. But getting a spot on the start line isn’t as easy as simply deciding you want to race and entering at your leisure. Because this long distance triathlon has a tendency to sell out within seconds of entries going live.
If you want to race Challenge Roth, you’ve got to be clued up on the ways to get an entry. We talk you through how to enter this iconic Iron distance race.
Fastest fingers – online entry information for Challenge Roth 2025
Unless you’re local to Roth, or you’ve got a deferred entry from a previous year. General entries for Challenge Roth open up a week after the race has come to a conclusion.
For Challenge Roth 2025, online entries go live on Monday 15 July 2024 at 10am CET (9am BST / 4am EST). In 2023, entries sold out within 40 seconds – so you’ve got to act fast!

Initially it’s just a pre-registration, where you enter your name, surname, date of birth, nationality and your e-mail address. Slots are then allocated in order of registration, with each person who successfully nabbed a spot getting a confirmation e-mail within 24 hours with a registration code.
You have to complete your full registration using the code by July 21 2024.
Top tips for getting an online entry
It really does come down to fastest fingers, so the main tip to get an online entry for Challenge Roth is type fast!
Use a laptop or a desktop computer, rather than your phone – it’s easier to type faster. Make sure you’ve got a stable internet connection, and be ready and waiting before 10am CET so you don’t miss the registration window. Cancel those meetings, put your phone on silent. If you want that Roth spot, you’ve got to stay focused.
With all that fast typing, do make sure you put your e-mail address in correctly though. You’ll need the code that will be emailed to you to be able to get your registration code, if you’re successful.
Enter in person the morning after the race in Roth
If you don’t fancy risking your chances in the online entry. You can join the dedicated individuals who queue up for hours the morning after Challenge Roth each year. It’s a good excuse to go and watch this year’s race in person and be part of the spectacular crowds that line the course.
To race Challenge Roth 2025, you’d need to be in line at the Triathlon Park in Roth on Monday 8 July 2024 ready for when the limited number of entries go on sale in person at 9am (CET).
The in-person entries are on a first come, first served basis. And every year hundreds of people arrive hours beforehand to get in line. There’s even been tales of people camping out overnight to make sure they’ve got a chance of getting a spot!
Late entry draw – raffle
In previous years, Challenge Roth opened up a second wave of entries in December – with a proportion of the fee going to a chosen charity. However, to reduce participant numbers and relieve congestion on the bike course this large second allocation of entries has now ceased.
However, if you don’t manage to get a spot during the general entries – all hope isn’t lost. Instead there is now the ‘Late Entry draw’. This is essentially a raffle, with 300 individual entries and 25 relay slots up for grabs.
Tickets cost 10 euros, with half of that going to charity. You can buy as many raffle tickets as you like, between 15 July and 3 November. The slots for 2025 will be drawn on November 5 2024.