Entries for the 2020 Clumber Park Duathlon are open. Taking place on 21 March, the event has Great Britain Age Group Team places on offer as well as a friendly and fun atmosphere that can be enjoyed by everybody taking part the Sprint and Standard distance events in the wonderful National Park setting.
Clumber Park Duathlon features Sprint and Standard distance events in the beautiful National Park setting in North Nottinghamshire. The run and bike courses take place on tarmac and features a few short climbs and undulations as well as flat sections along beautiful tree lined avenues.
The event has been a traditional season-opener for athletes of all levels looking to kick start a new multisport year. It takes place on Saturday 21 March, typically staring around 8:45am with the Sprint event, which is followed by the Standard Distance event.
For those looking to qualify for the GB Age Group team, the Clumber Park Standard Duathlon is the first of three qualification events for the 2021 ITU World Championships. For more information see British Triathlon’s overview of qualification events.
Entries are open now via Tri Society and early bird pricing applies for those entering in this initial entry phase. Enter now via: https://www.trisociety.co.uk/events/clumber-park-duathlon/.