Our 2017 IRONMAN World Championship coverage offered readers the opportunity to predict the podium positions in Kona (#KonaTop3) – and potentially win prizes of an IRONMAN Wales entry or IRONMAN 70.3 Edinburgh entry, courtesy of the team at IRONMAN UK & Ireland.
How the winners were determined:
For each athlete you correctly predicted in the correct finishing position, you earned three points. If you correctly predicted a top three finisher but in a different position, that earned one point. In the event of a tie, the closest prediction to the overall winning time was the decider.
Thus, a maximum of 18 points could be earned if you were able to correctly predict the Men’s AND Women’s podium, in the correct order… which nobody did!
And the winners were:
When the points were totalled up we had two entrants who both secured a total of 12 points.
Ignacio de las Heras managed to predict both of the top-two (Lange/Sanders and Ryf/Charles) in the correct order, while Neil Sorrell got the full women’s podium correct (Ryf/Charles/Crowley), while also picking Lionel Sanders to finish second in the men’s race.
With two entrants on 12 points and two prizes to give away, who won? The tie-breaker question was predicting the finishing time of the men’s winner, and on that basis (with a prediction of 8:04:30, less than three minutes away from the new course record of Patrick Lange), the winner is Ignacio de las Heras….
- 1st Prize – Ignacio de las Heras – Entry to IRONMAN Wales 2018
- 2nd Prize – Neil Sorrell – Entry to IRONMAN 70.3 Edinburgh 2018
Congratulations to Ignacio and Neil – and many thanks to all of you for entering this year’s #KonaTop3 competition.