James Phillips is the new Drummond Clinic Ambassador
A few weeks ago (more HERE), we highlighted a fantastic opportunity for an Elite triathlete to become an ambassador with the highly regarded Drummond Clinic (www.drummondclinic.co.uk). The position would include extensive support services in regards to physiotherapy, biomechanics, nutrition, bike fitting and more. All said, a great opportunity for the right person in our view – which is why we wanted to bring it to the attention of our audience.
Well, Freddie Drummond has just been back in contact with us to confirm that they had a great response, received lots of applications – and have made their final athlete selection:
“After an overwhelmingly positive response to the advert for a new Drummond Clinic Ambassador, our latest addition to the Programme is Elite Middle Distance Triathlete James Phillips. James recently changed his focus to middle distance/70.3 racing finishing the year second at the National Middle Distance Triathlon Championships (Vitruvian Triathlon) at Rutland Water and has his sights firmly set on bigger things in 2018. We’re excited to be able to help him progress in his racing career and for all to come!”
James was also the recipient last year of one of our ERDINGER Athlete of the Month awards.
Congratulations to James on being selected from what we are sure would have been a very competitive and difficult decision process.