
Challenge Family introduces the ‘Tri-Slam’

If you want to guarantee yourself an entry to Challenge Roth without entering within seconds of opening, you can now do so via the new Challenge Family 'Tri-Slam'
Chief Correspondent
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Looking for guaranteed entry to Challenge Roth?

Complete Venice, Almere and Madrid first en-route to the ‘Tri-Slam’

Challenge Family ( have today released details of a new ‘challenge’ featuring four of their European-based long distance events, Tri-Slam.

Athletes who complete Challenge Venice, Challenge Almere-Amsterdam and Challenge Madrid (over any time period), will then receive a guaranteed sign up opportunity for Challenge Roth the following year. Finishing Roth will constitute completion of the ‘Tri-Slam’, recognised by being awarded a special medal and gift at the Challenge Roth award ceremony.

The challenge would appear to have parallels to the ‘London Classics’ scheme introduced last year by the London Marathon organisers. That proved to be a big hit – and if nothing else, it got this Editor back in the pool and ready for the Serpentine Swim. Oh, and I’m still swimming too!

Related Article: London Classics: when marketing works, thank you

What did we learn from London Classics? Well, it would appear that there are plenty of ‘medal magpies’ out there and, to be fair, the London Classics medal is rather impressive.

What will the Tri-Slam offer? No news on that yet – but based on what I saw last year, that should be the next carrot that Challenge Family should be dangling as the carrot for potential Tri-Slam athletes… you’ll see it, when we do!

Here is the full press release from Challenge Family


With the new ‘Tri-Slam’, CHALLENGEFAMILY challenges triathletes to take part in no less than three Long Distance Challenges: CHALLENGEVENICE, CHALLENGEALMERE-AMSTERDAM and CHALLENGEMADRID. If a triathlete makes it to the finish line of these three Long Distance triathlons, he or she will be assured of the opportunity to sign up for CHALLENGEROTH the following year. If the triathlete completes Roth as well, he or she will have completed the ‘Tri-Slam’ and will be rewarded by a special medal and gift at the award ceremony at CHALLENGEROTH.

Four iconic races

The most special thing about the Tri-Slam is that you will take part in four iconic CHALLENGEFAMILY races. You will visit the world-famous Venice, take part in the second oldest long distance triathlon in the world, Almere-Amsterdam, and then enjoy the sun and great course in Madrid, the capital of Spain. It is a huge challenge in itself, because these three triathlons together cover 11.4 kilometers of swimming, 540 kilometers of cycling and 126.6 kilometers of running.

When you finish all three races (Venice, Almere-Amsterdam and Madrid), you can automatically subscribe for CHALLENGEROTH the year after. Race Director of Challenge Madrid Alfonso Rodríguez de Sadia thinks this is a fantastic initiative of CHALLENGEFAMILY; “A very attractive product and a real challenge for all triathletes around the world!”

Challenge Family Tri-Slam

Amazing challenge

Add to that CHALLENGEROTH the year after, you’ve covered 15.2 kilometers of swimming, 720 kilometers of cycling and 168.8 kilometers of running. The unique feature of the ‘Tri-Slam’ is that it has nothing to do with speed, but it’s all about ‘just’ finishing. “It’s great that we can combine these four races together”, said Richard Belderok, race director at CHALLENGEALMERE-AMSTERDAM. “It will be quite a challenge to complete three Long Distances, but then you will be rewarded with the guarantee that you can register for CHALLENGEROTH. If you do so and finish Roth as well, you can tell everybody you’ve completed the Tri-Slam. That will be amazing!”

How does it work?

There is no time limit, you can take as many years as you want to complete the Tri-Slam. Finish in no less than three Long Distance Challenges: CHALLENGEVENICE, CHALLENGEALMERE-AMSTERDAM and CHALLENGEMADRID. You can decide yourself in what order you do the events. If you make it to the finish line of these three Long Distance triathlons, you will be assured of the opportunity to sign up for CHALLENGEROTH the following year. If the triathlete completes Roth as well, he or she will have completed the ‘Tri-Slam’.

More details:

John Levison
Written by
John Levison
TRI247's Chief Correspondent, John has been involved in triathlon for well over 30 years, 15 of those writing on these pages, whilst he can also be found commentating for events across the UK.
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