How did the #GBKona Age-Group WOMEN perform on Saturday in Hawaii?
Here are ALL of the results of the GB & Ireland entrants
If you followed the races live or have since read our Pro reports (MEN ! WOMEN), you’ll know that it was quite a day at the IRONMAN World Championship in Hawaii on Saturday.
Our extensive coverage continues – and here we take a look at the British and Irish Age-Group results from the Big Island. ALL of them!
Below you will find two tables featuring the results of every entrant, ordered initially by overall time, and then by category in the second table. As I’m typing this, a select few have been collecting the coveted Umeke trophies at the Awards Banquet – and the after-party at Huggo’s on the Rocks will be going on late into the night!
The fastest #GBKona female overall was Ruth Purbrook. We interviewed Ruth before the race (HERE), who – after third place last year – was fully aiming to win this year, having “…invested so much (mentally, emotionally, hours wise, financially!), that I want to see the hard work pay off”. That investment paid off, and Ruth is now the Female 25-29 Age-Group World Champion. Ruth was also the third fastest female across al Age-Group categories.
Oh yeah, @Rastle50 World Champ! #kona #IronmanWorldChampionship
— Team Freespeed (@teamfreespeed) October 15, 2018
The second fastest #GBKona athlete was also in that F25-29 category, with Katherine Renouf (9th, 10:04:39), while the third fastest Brit was another athlete we profiled before the race, Tara Grosvenor (13th, F30-34, 10:08:09).
More details coming soon in a separate piece to celebrate the 2018 #GBKona podium finishers.
(EDITORS NOTE: The full listing of GB & Ireland entrants was extracted from the official participants list. If there is an error or you are missing, then a) apologies (!), and b) that is probably why. Please do get in touch if that is the case ( and I’ll get things updated for you.)
All Great Britain and Ireland Age-Group Female Entrants – Fastest First
Bib | Name | Category | Country | Cat Position | Time |
2330 | Ruth Purbrook | F25-29 | GBR | 1st | 09:33:47 |
2341 | Katherine Renouf | F25-29 | GBR | 9th | 10:04:39 |
2173 | Tara Grosvenor | F30-34 | GBR | 13th | 10:08:09 |
2353 | Helena Hayes | F25-29 | IRL | 10th | 10:16:04 |
1550 | Victoria Hill | F40-44 | GBR | 12th | 10:19:10 |
2358 | Josie Rawes | F25-29 | GBR | 13th | 10:23:22 |
1596 | Lucy Woollacott | F40-44 | GBR | 19th | 10:26:34 |
1915 | Zoe Smith | F35-39 | GBR | 26th | 10:35:19 |
2445 | Anna Lawson | F18-24 | GBR | 7th | 10:42:53 |
1943 | Rebecca Rimmington | F35-39 | GBR | 34th | 10:47:36 |
2194 | Hannah Saitch | F30-34 | GBR | 37th | 10:49:24 |
1898 | Kelly Stokes | F35-39 | GBR | 39th | 10:52:46 |
2171 | Claire Walton | F30-34 | GBR | 41st | 10:57:56 |
1549 | Lisa Hancox | F40-44 | GBR | 44th | 11:02:24 |
2174 | Michelle Heneghan | F30-34 | IRL | 49th | 11:10:57 |
2360 | Milly Wade-West | F25-29 | GBR | 39th | 11:16:09 |
1249 | Annemarie Power | F45-49 | IRL | 35th | 11:18:10 |
564 | Maxine Jane Mckinnon | F55-59 | GBR | 4th | 11:19:43 |
1592 | Joanna Shallcross | F40-44 | GBR | 56th | 11:25:36 |
2184 | Rebecca Bennett | F30-34 | GBR | 58th | 11:41:50 |
374 | Jane Wiley | F60-64 | GBR | 2nd | 11:42:55 |
1172 | Jordan Blanco | F45-49 | GBR | 52nd | 11:52:46 |
535 | Elizabeth Gannon | F55-59 | GBR | 12th | 12:06:37 |
1230 | Helen Platel | F45-49 | GBR | 59th | 12:14:21 |
2372 | Lucinda Jukes | F25-29 | GBR | 49th | 12:20:27 |
552 | Siobhan Kennedy | F55-59 | IRL | 16th | 12:22:49 |
1252 | Lucy Tomlinson | F45-49 | GBR | 62nd | 12:23:54 |
872 | Emma Wheeler | F50-54 | GBR | 37th | 12:24:22 |
379 | Glenda Goscomb | F60-64 | GBR | 12th | 13:26:22 |
869 | Anna Wedgwood | F50-54 | GBR | 60th | 13:45:18 |
1226 | Felicia Long | F45-49 | IRL | 71st | 14:05:49 |
389 | Deb Munton | F60-64 | GBR | 27th | 14:07:09 |
115 | Liz Mcternan | HC | GBR | 1st | 14:21:13 |
367 | Jackie Hardman | F60-64 | GBR | 28th | 14:24:53 |
2375 | Carly Rice | F25-29 | GBR | 54th | 14:54:47 |
273 | Janet Watson | F65-69 | GBR | 15th | 15:39:51 |
1877 | Sophie Bubb | F35-39 | GBR | DNF | DNF |
2370 | F25-29 | GBR | N/A | DNS | |
2179 | F30-34 | GBR | N/A | DNS | |
839 | F50-54 | GBR | N/A | DNS | |
271 | F65-69 | GBR | N/A | DNS | |
193 | F70-74 | GBR | N/A | DNS |
All Great Britain and Ireland Age-Group Female Entrants – By Category
Bib | Name | Category | Country | Cat Position | Time |
2445 | Anna Lawson | F18-24 | GBR | 7th | 10:42:53 |
2330 | Ruth Purbrook | F25-29 | GBR | 1st | 09:33:47 |
2341 | Katherine Renouf | F25-29 | GBR | 9th | 10:04:39 |
2353 | Helena Hayes | F25-29 | IRL | 10th | 10:16:04 |
2358 | Josie Rawes | F25-29 | GBR | 13th | 10:23:22 |
2360 | Milly Wade-West | F25-29 | GBR | 39th | 11:16:09 |
2372 | Lucinda Jukes | F25-29 | GBR | 49th | 12:20:27 |
2375 | Carly Rice | F25-29 | GBR | 54th | 14:54:47 |
2370 | F25-29 | GBR | N/A | DNS | |
2173 | Tara Grosvenor | F30-34 | GBR | 13th | 10:08:09 |
2194 | Hannah Saitch | F30-34 | GBR | 37th | 10:49:24 |
2171 | Claire Walton | F30-34 | GBR | 41st | 10:57:56 |
2174 | Michelle Heneghan | F30-34 | IRL | 49th | 11:10:57 |
2184 | Rebecca Bennett | F30-34 | GBR | 58th | 11:41:50 |
2179 | F30-34 | GBR | N/A | DNS | |
1915 | Zoe Smith | F35-39 | GBR | 26th | 10:35:19 |
1943 | Rebecca Rimmington | F35-39 | GBR | 34th | 10:47:36 |
1898 | Kelly Stokes | F35-39 | GBR | 39th | 10:52:46 |
1877 | Sophie Bubb | F35-39 | GBR | DNF | DNF |
1550 | Victoria Hill | F40-44 | GBR | 12th | 10:19:10 |
1596 | Lucy Woollacott | F40-44 | GBR | 19th | 10:26:34 |
1549 | Lisa Hancox | F40-44 | GBR | 44th | 11:02:24 |
1592 | Joanna Shallcross | F40-44 | GBR | 56th | 11:25:36 |
1249 | Annemarie Power | F45-49 | IRL | 35th | 11:18:10 |
1172 | Jordan Blanco | F45-49 | GBR | 52nd | 11:52:46 |
1230 | Helen Platel | F45-49 | GBR | 59th | 12:14:21 |
1252 | Lucy Tomlinson | F45-49 | GBR | 62nd | 12:23:54 |
1226 | Felicia Long | F45-49 | IRL | 71st | 14:05:49 |
872 | Emma Wheeler | F50-54 | GBR | 37th | 12:24:22 |
869 | Anna Wedgwood | F50-54 | GBR | 60th | 13:45:18 |
839 | F50-54 | GBR | N/A | DNS | |
564 | Maxine Jane Mckinnon | F55-59 | GBR | 4th | 11:19:43 |
535 | Elizabeth Gannon | F55-59 | GBR | 12th | 12:06:37 |
552 | Siobhan Kennedy | F55-59 | IRL | 16th | 12:22:49 |
374 | Jane Wiley | F60-64 | GBR | 2nd | 11:42:55 |
379 | Glenda Goscomb | F60-64 | GBR | 12th | 13:26:22 |
389 | Deb Munton | F60-64 | GBR | 27th | 14:07:09 |
367 | Jackie Hardman | F60-64 | GBR | 28th | 14:24:53 |
273 | Janet Watson | F65-69 | GBR | 15th | 15:39:51 |
271 | F65-69 | GBR | N/A | DNS | |
193 | F70-74 | GBR | N/A | DNS | |
115 | Liz Mcternan | HC | GBR | 1st | 14:21:13 |